The Business of Farming

A one-year business planning program for farmers that combines workshops, follow-up technical assistance, and a small grant to implement new learning.

Farmer picking an apple from a crate

Focus on Your Farm Business

The Business of Farming is for experienced farmers who want to analyze their current business model and use the information to improve profitability and become more efficient.

In this program, you will:

  • Participate in 3 full-day workshops with other farmers
  • Receive a $1,100 budget for tailored technical assistance with a service provider
  • Receive a $500 seed grant when you complete the program, plus your registration fee back.

During the program, you’ll have a chance to:

  • Use last year’s actual records to find your most (& least) profitable crops and products.
  • Get tips and tricks on bookkeeping best practices and tools.
  • Learn how to keep and read financial records so that they are useful to you.
  • Identify potential markets and evaluate their fit for your farm or product.
  • Practice doing market research and putting marketing tactics together into a strategy for success.
  • Give consideration to your plan for long-term financial success and eventual succession/transition.
Dog leads a herd of cows across the street

2025 Registration

Registration for 2025 programs will open soon!

Dates: January 7, 21, and 28 (snow date: February 4) from 9:30-3:30 at Shaw Cherry Hill in Gorham.

Sliding Scale

Pay what you can, between $25 – $500. Upon completion of the workshops and your successful participation in technical assistance, you will be awarded a $500 seed grant and receive your registration fee back.

Note: We aim to make our business programs accessible to all farmers, so the registration fee is a self-determined sliding scale. Here are some suggested parameters to guide you in determining the amount to pay for registration:


Suggested amount for members of our community who have been affected by systemic oppression, namely farmers who identify as BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and/or with disability.

Up to $100

Suggested amount to help alleviate any winter cash flow concerns, and/or if you are farming without long-term access to land.

Up to $250

Suggested amount if this is a business expense for your farm and/or you are farming with long-term access to land.

Up to $500

Suggested amount if this is a business expense for your farm, you are farming with long-term access to land, and/or earn through farming at least the typical annual salary for “Farming, Fishing and Forestry”, according to the MIT Living Wage Calculator ($43,110).

Reimbursements for expenses related to attending workshops are available (mileage, childcare, relief labor, etc.). Please reach out to us – we do not want the upfront cost to keep you from joining us! Contact Sav at

“I am not a numbers person, and have taken many financials workshops to try to build my knowledge. This one took a different approach and I think I understood every word.”

Anonymous Participant

Get In Touch

Alex Fouliard, Farm Business Planning Co-Manager

Alex Fouliard

Farm Business Program Manager

Alex Fouliard

Farm Business Program Manager

Alex Fouliard, Farm Business Planning Co-Manager