Plan Your Farm's Future

Have you thought about your farm’s future? We are here to help you explore your options.

Candid shot of a farmer

Think Ahead

Farm transitions can be complicated for both exiting farm owners and incoming farmers. Successful transitions often require careful navigation of multiple goals and often warrant in-depth financial planning and close consideration of many factors. Transferring the farm business while the business is still fully operational is ideal so that you have the resources to retire or transition to another opportunity, and the land stays in farming.

Farmer harvesting in the field

Navigating the Process

Historically, farms were handed down to children, but today the successors are often not family members, and the process and financing options can be complicated. Whether you're looking to transition away from farming or you are ready to take over the farm, it can be hard to find professional services like lawyers, accountants and estate planners with relevant, up-to-date expertise. We can help you identify possible options and connect you with professionals who can help you understand the legal and financial aspects of transferring a farm business.

A farmer's hand placing a strawberry into a blue cardboard pint box.
A line of cows crossing the road, supervised by a farmer.

Maine FarmLink

If you are a farm owner who is ready to sell or lease your farm or farmland, you may want to post your property on Maine FarmLink.

Get In Touch

Tricia Rouleau

Farm Network Director

Tricia Rouleau

Farm Network Director